Blog Archives

Homeopathy, Vegans and Vegetarians

I have been practicing for quite a few years now. But there are always new things that I encounter that make me think about what I do. Recently, a client inquired with a concern about the prescription of a remedy derived from an Animal substance. Can Vegetarians and Vegans use Homeopathy?

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Milk Fever in Cows, Can Homeopathy help?

This is a blog post for those of you who own dairy cows; Especially for small farmers and single cow owners. Those wanting to learn about the use of Homeopathy in Symptoms of Milk Fever.

I often find my self replying to questions about Milk fever. Since it is Spring time in the Northern Hemisphere and calves are being born;

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Homeopathic remedies; when to repeat ?

The homeopathic Dosing TangoIt’s about keeping in step!

Are you confused about how many doses to give, Do you use homeopathic remedies and wonder when to repeat the remedy and when to stop? I can tell you that you are not alone. “When to repeat a Homeopathic remedy” is probably the most asked about question by beginner users of Homeopathic remedies.

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Homeopathic healing is like a train ride

Homeopathic healing is like a train rideHealth is a journey, not a destination.

What can I expect ?

That’s a question I often hear when I prescribe a remedy to a client, and fair enough too. But it is a question that is easier asked, than answered. Why? Because each individual is a complex being and there is not one answer that fits all.

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Fungal Nails, consider homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Fungal NailsIf you are embarrassed to show your feet in summer…….read on

Whilst not a serious illness; it is a very common problem with a big impact. I’m talking with you about Fungal nails.

The state of our nails may say many things about our health and great nails reflect looking good,

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Posted in Fungal, Nails, Homeopathy, Remedies, Therapeutics
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Homeopathy in excessive sweating

Homeopathy in excessive sweatingConsider Homeopathy in excessive sweating.

We all sweat at times. Like it or not; it is normal. We sweat when we are having a good work out or on a hot summers day. But sometimes perspiration can be troublesome. Then its good to know you can use Homeopathy in excessive sweating.

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Coaching classes for You

I’m exited to share that I have designed two coaching classes for you to help you be confident in using Homeopathy in your own situation with minor ailments and first aid situations.

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Homeopathic support in Indigestion and Heartburn.

Homeopathic support in Indigestion and Heartburn.Indigestion……what is your gut telling you

If you have ever experienced a bout of indigestion you’ll know it can be extremely unpleasant. Perhaps after a special evening in company of great friends and good food; it was self inflicted and you grudgingly endured it. However many people experience Indigestion very regularly.

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Silica Terra – Remedy of the Week

SILICA TERRA or Pure Flint

In nature we find Silica in sand. Quartz, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Agate, Flint, Jasper, and Opal are all silicon oxides. Of course sand is also the basis for glass production, clay and other products. Silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth’s crust by weight and is the second most abundant element on earth.

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