Blog Archives

Help! He took a whole bottle…

No, not a whole bottle of Whiskey, nor a bottle of Antibiotics; but a whole bottle of a homeopathic remedy. It seems; that this is not an unusual event, in families where homeopathy is used. Often it’s children who are inquisitive and find their way into the cupboard or the Homeopathic first aid kit.

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Homeopathy, Vegans and Vegetarians

I have been practicing for quite a few years now. But there are always new things that I encounter that make me think about what I do. Recently, a client inquired with a concern about the prescription of a remedy derived from an Animal substance. Can Vegetarians and Vegans use Homeopathy?

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Homeopathic help for wounds

Recently I have had an influx of people with requests for help regarding wound healing. Funny how they come in clusters. There are months that go by with no one presenting with infected wounds or slow healing skin and then there are 4 in a week.  This prompted me to write this blogpost about Homeopathic remedies that can help heal wounds promptly.

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Posted in Homeopathy, Remedies, Therapeutics, Uncategorised, wounds

Why book a Introduction consult?

It’s a bit like ‘try before you buy’

And why would you not?

Like many other homeopaths; I offer prospective clients who are looking for chronic or constitutional homeopathic support, a 15 minute Introduction Consult.

This consult is not a place where I will take your case or prescribe a remedy.

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What to expect from taking a homeopathic remedy?

Homeopathy is an approach to health that differs a lot from conventional methods. Therefore taking homeopathic remedies will trigger a different healing mechanism and the results we can see may need some explanation. When do you know a remedy is working for you? What can you expect from taking a homeopathic remedy?

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Homeopathy, Herbalism, Cell Salts?

Let’s look at the differences.

There are so many natural therapies. Do you find you struggle to understand the difference between Homeopathy, Herbalism and Cell Salts, or to know what these offer you? You are not alone. To the uninitiated it is hard to tell them apart. I have written this blog just to clarify the different options for you,

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Milk Fever in Cows, Can Homeopathy help?

This is a blog post for those of you who own dairy cows; Especially for small farmers and single cow owners. Those wanting to learn about the use of Homeopathy in Symptoms of Milk Fever.

I often find my self replying to questions about Milk fever. Since it is Spring time in the Northern Hemisphere and calves are being born;

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Restless Legs Syndrome, how Homeopathy can help?

Restless Legs Syndrome is a debilitating neurological condition that is characterized by a constant need to move the legs and sometimes other limbs. There is an uncomfortable sensation in the limbs that affects sufferers particularly when at rest, and in the evening or at night. This restlessness prevents rest and relaxation and often results in insomnia.

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Posted in Homeopathy, Restless Legs, Study, Uncategorised

What is constitutional prescribing?

What exactly is Constitutional prescribing? What is a constitutional remedy? Lets demystify this and let me explain my understanding of constitutional prescribing in Classical Homeopathy. I hope it may clarify some things for you.

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Homeopathic Aggravations and Provings

Homeopathic Aggravations and Provings ….what on earth are they?

You’ve heard them mentioned, but you are not really sure what this is about? They sound worrying perhaps, but do you need to feel scared about Homeopathic Aggravations and Provings at all? Let me explain and give some practical examples to relate these concepts to.

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