Hibernate it is Winter!

Someone told me yesterday that doctors are blaming the influx of Lions fans, presently in New Zealand for the Rugby, for the dramatic increase in viruses and winter ailments. They may have brought the viruses with them from the Northern Hemisphere in droves. Flu season is here and it has arrived early they say.

I’m not sure if this is true or if we are picking on the red dressed herds because they won the game against the All Blacks last weekend ,or what is going on.

What is definitely true is that you cannot help but notice how many people are unwell at the moment. Many empty seats in classrooms and colleagues off sick, there are also many people sick with the flu jab I’ve heard. And when one feels miserable I guess it may feel good to blame it on someone or something out of your control.

I think the poor summer we’ve had with lack of sunshine and the damp and watery cold conditions we are enduring at present will definitely be having an impact in this matter. Also I find it noticeable that people around me are worrying more; it is hard to make ends meet, costs for necessities are going up, pressures at work are increasing due to staff shortages, stresses in the classrooms are rising with the social stresses in the community…. And the bombardment of distressing information and negative news from all directions is relentless. There is so much emphasis on what is wrong with the world, the environment and our communities, we are starting to feel we are losing a battle. We are getting drained with it all and need to take care.

Suffering winter ailments, to me, may be a sign that we’ve overdone it and haven’t paced ourselves enough. We are run down mentally and or physically and our body just says “STOP NO MORE”. Like you’ve ran into a brick wall and come to a dead end.

Winter is the ultimate time to rest up and recuperate, snuggle up by the fire, cocoon for a while and ponder life and dream and think of how you can improve your situation or what you want to change for the near future. In the early days before electricity this was exactly what people did; hibernating.

While Illness and feeling yuk are never fun; they also give us opportunity and an excuse to just be and focus on ourselves for a while. I like to embrace this idea and keep in mind that I can learn to be better at looking after my own needs in the next year to come.

Yes, our household has not escaped the viruses either, but we’ve coped. It is only a few days out of a whole year, not the end of the world. We’ve been grumpy and have been feeling sorry for ourselves, we’ve taken turns in looking after each other.

I’ve had heaps of opportunity to use my remedies to help ourselves and friends through the worst of it and have learned more about which remedies seem to work best for the flu and cold we are seeing this year. And that is helpful, seeing that winter will be here for a while to come.

I feel we limited our ‘down and out’ sick days, avoided more serious symptoms and generally coped better through our un-wellness by using Homeopathy. While others may say “You don’t know that” I feel we have won something and that is a positive attitude indeed.

I’m back on board every one, you know where to find me.

PS If you feel you’ve been helped by Homeopathy while you’ve had the Flu or a cold Please share your experience!

Posted in Homeopathy, Introduction, Remedies, Winter ailments

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Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int

Esther's Homeopathy Clinic

Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int


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