Homeopathic Remedies what are they?

Professionally prepared Homeopathic remedies are made according to set historical and fundamental principles as well as adhere to rigorous standards of quality control.

Homeopathic remedies can be made from a great number of substances from  i.e. the plant, animal or mineral kingdoms in nature. They can also be derived from chemical substances like toxins or medicines. Remedies may be made by exposure to imponderable substances like eg radiation, x-ray or Moonlight also.

Each substance known to man has an effect that can be both harmful and healthful. And In homeopathy we harness this healing potential. 

The substance we want to make a homeopathic remedy of  undergoes a process of serial dilution and succussion (or vigorous shaking). Each stage of dilution and succussion provides a different strength/potency.

Scales of serial dilution vary and can be 1 in 10 , 100, 1000 etc. Each time 1 part of the previous dilution is taken and added to 9 (or 99 or 999) parts of new dilutant and succussed to make the next strength/ potency (eg 6x, 30c or 1M).

The more dilute and succussed; the higher the potency; the deeper the action of the remedy is thought to be. 

As a result of this process of serial dilution; the physical evidence of the original substance is reduced with each dilution, yet the energic memory of that substance is retained by it and enhanced in effect by the succussion. 

This potentized dilution is then applied to a carrier substance like Sucrose or Lactose pillules or liquid (generally water with a little alcohol as a preservative) to form the dose one takes.

It is due to the fact that homeopathic remedies are very dilute that homeopathic treatment is generally known to be a safe and gentle approach to health, that has no toxic or lasting side effects.

In homeopathy the higher the dilution and the more succussed; the higher the potency and the deeper the action of the remedy is thought to be.

Homeopathy is classed as an ‘Energy medicine’. It’s remedies have an effect on the level of our energetic body/ inner vibration or vitality.  As this is where our healthy state originates when it is balanced. And where ill health originates  due to imbalance. And our understanding, from a homeopathic point of view, is that Healing has to happen from within. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the restauration of balance within.

There are thousands of remedies known in many different potencies and newer remedies are continuously developed to keep up with our ever changing environment.

New remedies are tested on healthy people in  events called “Provings” ( in essence this is a homeopathic drug trial) in which their effects are systematically and meticulously collated and eventually documented in Encyclopaedia  called “Materia Medica”.  Homeopaths use these documents in order to prescribe the best remedy for the situation.

Remedies are available in pillule, tablet or liquid form. Availability, personal preference of the client or Homeopath will decide the choice, in essence they generally work the same way.

If you feel intrigued and wish to discuss if homeopathic remedies could be used in your situation or if you have questions before deciding if you would like to work with me please feel free to book a 15 min Intro Chat (free of charge or obligation)

Or use the form below to contact me.