Celebrating mums and babies!

It was World Breast Feeding week this past week. Here in Tokoroa we had the ‘Big Latch on’ event at our council’s office and that was a big success, I’ve heard.

I am a homeopath as well as a farmer and besides seeing clients, I also spend time with ‘mums and babies’ on the farm right now. Even though I am not a new mum myself; early mornings and late afternoons revolve around feeding the newborn calves their colostrum and and making sure mums are doing well and even assisting with some births if needed.

Spring is coming soon and babies are being born and bring hope and joy. It realy is a marvel to celebrate and treasure; the energy and love mums (both animal and human) put into motherhood.

I’ve had 3 babies of my own, what seems like only yesterday but in reality is more then 20 yrs ago! And I loved my experience with my newborns and littlies. It is such a precious time……mostly enjoyable but at the same time very demanding and sometimes downright exhausting and draining.

Pregnancy, birth and Post natal times are those where you want to take care about what you put into your body, what affects baby and what pulls you through the busy days after a sleepless night.

I discovered Homeopathy when my family was very young and have been using it ever since just because I have seen such wonderful results with it. Whether it was after birth, when I had mastitis, when the babies were teething or had colic, or kids threw tantrums or had small accidents resulting in bumps and bruising, Homeopathy was always the first thing we would try and very often limited the damage or even prevented us having to see the doctor.

Now on the farm I do the same with our cows, I give e.g. Arnica to help recuperation after a delivery and Aconite to calves that are scared when leaving their mums. This morning I gave Carbo Veg to a poor little calf that was born in the cold wet night and was more dead then alive when we found it. After a few doses, in a dry shed she was able to take some warm milk and soon  she was looking quite ok. These are moments where the effect of Homeopathy can be so clearly witnessed and I feel so grateful to have this option.

It is easy to set yourself up with a basic Homeopathy kit and a good beginners guide and be empowered by how you can do things that make your kids or yourself feel better soon. Feel free to book an intro consult with me as I am very happy to talk about achieving this for yourself and to help you get started. Or if you know of some people who are interested in this like yourself, why not get together and invite me around. FREE service ….you have nothing to loose!

Here is a great little article to help you see the scope of Homeopathy for mothers and babies.

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Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int

Esther's Homeopathy Clinic

Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int


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