My story

While my life is great right now albeit naturally with ups and downs; Grief and depression have been part of my experience from a young age.

My own mother was grieving for her mum when I was born. My childhood and teen years were challenging and that was only the start of a long journey that has bought me to where I am today; Enjoying my life with the loved ones I hold dear.

Between then and now I have been through losing myself. And at times I have been unable to pick myself up unaided.

I have lost loved ones and been touched by the impact of suicide. Know the meaning of feeling isolated, alone and unsupported after emigrating to a new country and while raising a young family without the support of my own.  I have had dreams and expectations shattered and been hurt by those I love most. In my nursing years; giving support to those in the last stages of their life and their families through their last moments together was a humbling experience and a privilege.

All these things have brought me deep learning about myself and realization of a life that I hold very dear today.

I understand that grief and depression may be passed on to us through history and situations even from before our own time. That the one and sometimes seemingly small event that tips one into despair; is often just the drop that overflows the bucket. The longer depression, hopelessness or overwhelm are present; the more difficult it seems to see a way out and ask for help. However help is there and learning to do these things, is part of a healing process I have experienced.

Through reaching out and accepting support, through allowing love and help from others; I learned that it is possible to see the light again, to be hopeful and enjoy life once more.

Homeopathy has been part of this transformation for me. Rather than suppressing what’s inside and altering my state of mind with medications; Homeopathy has allowed me to accept and express my inner most emotions, to learn to be kind to myself and to find peace in my world. It has brought me back to myself and has gently helped me to process and find balance in my life and my relationships.

I’m here to help you with your transformation. Let me help you to enjoy life again and to find peace in your world with the aid of Homeopathy!