
What homeopathy is……

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine aimed at supporting and triggering your body’s natural ability to heal.

“Complete” means that it can be used for supporting your health on all levels and it looks at the totality of you as a person instead of just your unwell part. No need to visit different practitioners for different symptoms; In homeopathy we look at all of them in relation to you.

The Homeopathic approach is a holistic one.  It recognises that health is the effect of the relationship between physical, mental-emotional and spiritual levels of wellbeing that cannot be separated and are interconnected with personal and family health history and lifestyle. 

A Homeopathic prescription is guided by the unique and specific details of your individual symptoms and in the knowledge that healing can be stimulated by  matching a remedy to your symptom totality, according to the principle of “Like cures Like”.

This means that a well matched Homeopathic remedy that is able to effect improvement, will be one that in its crude state can cause similar symptoms to those you experience. 

Simple examples of this can be the remedy Coffea made from coffee; being helpful in certain it cases of insomnia. Or Allium Cepum made from the onion can be used in colds where eyes and nose are streaming as happens when cutting onions.

Homeopathic remedies are always a highly dilute and energised form of the original substance it is derived from. They provide powerful direct vibrational stimulus to your ability to heal and support the restoring of balance on an energetic and deep level.

A prescription sets in motion a healing process and response that will be unique to you. What happens following the taking of a remedy is decided by your body systems and depends on many things e.g how long you have been unwell, how many medications you have been taking, the seriousness of your dis-ease and your vitality and resilience.

By restoring inner balance and harmony; improved health and wellbeing are being encouraged from within and you may experience improvement in your symptoms and increased general wellbeing and more effective functioning as a result.

If you wish to learn more please click below for further reading. Or you could opt to book a Free of charge 15 min consult with me to ask your questions and discuss your options in order to decide if Homeopathy is for you.