Can Homeopathy help you?

Homeopathy can be used in physical, mental/ emotional and behavioural complaints. I see clients with any of these issues in my clinic.

Some examples for which people seek my advice:

  • Direct support with symptoms they are experiencing either chronic or acute.
  • Support with side effects of medications or withdrawal symptoms
  • Support with or alongside other treatments.
  • When taking medications is contraindicated (eg in pregnancy) or if no treatment is available or effective.
  • To build resilience and regain balance, to help recuperation.
  • In order to prevent having to use medications.
  • When they have tried any other avenue.

My clients are of all ages and all walks of life and are a very diverse bunch of unique and lovely people some of whom have been with me for several years. Sometimes I even see several generations in one family; which I feel is a real privilege.

If you are not sure if Homeopathy is for you….Don’t worry! If you are not sure if I am the right Homeopath for you…..No problem!

I understand it is important to find just the right person to work with and I am very happy to meet with you before you have to commit to anything. I’ll answer any questions you have, discuss your needs and options with you and explain how I work.

Just book a 15 Min FREE (video or audio) Chat with me with no obligations what so ever.

Special Interests

I offer Homeopathic consultation to anyone anywhere with any complaint.

How ever over the course of my lifetime and due to my personal and professional experiences I have gained some affinity with certain groups or complaints that I have come to understand in more detail and I particularly enjoy working with.

Click the links below to read more about how homeopathy can be used with these situations.

( PLEASE NOTE: This section is a work in progress; Senior health is coming soon)