
Esther Ritmeester is not a medical doctor, She will not engage in medical diagnosis nor prescribe without an appropriate consultation.

The relationship Esther has with her clients is based on equality and team work; where the client is knowledgeable about their health situation and Esther is knowledgeable about the Homeopathic process.

The Homeopathic consult is a an exchange of information in order to facilitate the assessment of the client’s situation and start the homeopathic process to support and encourage healing.

Homeopathy does not ‘treat’ an ‘illness label’ instead it serves the whole person by supporting and stimulating their body’s natural ability to heal and to regain balance in health and in the process of doing so the symptoms experienced may be shed.

Working towards health by using Homeopathy  involves a process of individual awareness and growth, which values and encourages a person’s active participation and responsibility.

Esther values the importance of medical diagnostics and communication between all modalities in order to best serve the client.

Homeopathy does not replace conventional medical practices and in case of concerns, ongoing health issues or an emergency you should always seek the opinion of your doctor or visit your local  Hospital’s A & E department promptly.

It is advised you continue any treatment or medicine you are already receiving from other modalities/ practitioners as usual. Do not discontinue your treatments without consulting your doctor first.

Serious injury or illness should not be treated without expert advice and diagnosis, nor should the information provided here be seen as a replacement for a consultation with a trusted and qualified healthcare provider.

Esther retains the right and responsibility to refuse consultation in the event where the clients situation is beyond her level of expertise or scope of practice and in order to secure safety in practice for the client as well as herself.

It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate and to communicate with all providers about the modalities and treatments you choose to be involved in your care.

All remedy-related information provided by Esther’s Homeopathy Clinic is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and Materia Medica referenced worldwide.

Any case examples or testimonials represented by “Esther’s Homeopathy Clinic” are representations of individual experiences. At no time should these be interpreted as Homeopathic advise in your personal situation.

Successful Homeopathic application is based on the individual match of symptom picture and remedy in each situation. Therefore if you experience health problems and wish to use Homeopathic applications you are advised to seek the  professional opinion of a qualified Homeopath to assist you in Remedy choice.

Esther does not take any responsibility for any harm or injury resulting from homeopathic application without the appropriate advice of a Qualified Homeopathic practitioner.